Autor: Richard Vencu

  • No. 69 – Spontaneity

    Smoothly following one’s natural course (inherent so-being, spontaneity) is the highest level of nourishing life. Each human being from birth has a set pattern that forms the foundation of his or her destiny. What he or she should or should not do, should or should not eat—as long as he or she follows this inherent…

  • No. 68 – Overeating

    A dominance of turbid juices arises because people eat unclean things, but more importantly because they overeat. The body cannot digest all this matter and it accumulates inside, creating barriers.

  • No. 67 – Pure and Turbid

    From the perspective of the mutual interchange of yin and yang, pure and turbid attract each other. Therefore, any pure and fresh things people eat inevitably get mixed with the turbid juices inside the body and are expelled accordingly.

  • No. 66 – Competition

    Any form of competition will turn order into disturbance and lead people into evil [immorality]. What is competition? Competition is anything that pulls people into the world of craving and desire.

  • No. 65 – Hospitals

    In the modern world hospitals and prisons have a lot in common, especially when we think of patients as having received a death sentence. Also, in both situations, many people who do not deserve a death sentence receive one anyway. Why am I saying this? Let’s think of cancer for a moment. Cancer for many…

  • Schimbările


    Din ce în ce mai mulți oameni sunt încurajați să critice, să provoace, să protesteze și să respingă. Toate acestea sunt de natură să împingă indivizii spre a contribui cu ceva de la ei, să facă ceva nou și diferit în orice situație, să își demonstreze originalitatea, să schimbe și să reorganizeze lucrurile conform punctului…

  • No. 64 – Incurable Diseases

    If people have a incurable disease, they have to rely on the spirit for a cure. If the disease does not respond to reliance on the spirit, they have to rely on the Buddha. What is the Buddha? The Buddha is the mind-and-heart.