Etichetă: awarness

  • No. 73 – Self-Assurance

    Once people have taken charge of their health-related thoughts and practices, they develop perfect self-confidence in their entire being that eliminates any need of worrying about disease. This kind of feeling is fabulous. I wish we could all have this kind of powerful self-assurance

  • No. 70 – Sensitivity Levels

    A lot of people, when they hear that a doctor can help with their serious health issues, often assume an attitude of innocence and expect him to eliminate their disease by cutting, excising, poisoning, or otherwise killing it. But after that, does the disease really not have a place from where to resurface? There really…

  • No. 54 – Awarness

    When people are sick but think they are fine, this is the worst kind of sickness. How many people really are there who know they are sick?

  • No. 14 – Own Intuition and Awarness

    Having faith in the efficacy of medications and diagnostic measurements is not as good as trusting your own intuition and the adequacy of your body’s regulatory abilities. However, these presuppose that you have attained the Dao or opened your inner wisdom and live from that perspective.