Etichetă: yang

  • No. 87 – Oblivion of Self

    What causes one to be so elated about getting one’s way that he loses all composure? He as lost self-control, the checks and balances on one’s behavior that constitute the Yin aspects of life. Therefore the ultimate outcome for him would be… [translator’s note: the author lets the words trail off here, presumably because the reader would understand that…

  • No. 86 – Yin and Yang

    The way of yin and yang means two opposing forces depending upon, and changing into, one another. Thus, in any kind of oppositional situation, if one side distances itself from the other, it will never be controlled by it. Thus if one lets go of all loss, destruction cannot reach one. You see, the leaders…

  • No. 83 – Simple and Complex, Hard and Soft

    Simple and complex form a pair just like yin and yang. The more an affair is complex, the more often it can be resolved by the simplest means. In the same way, if you look at what seems to be a simple issue, you often find that the solution is not easy at all and…

  • No. 82 – Natural Course

    What is this “natural course”? It is the fact that each and every thing has the two sides of yin and yang, that each and every being undergoes the same life process of birth, growth, decline, and death. Following this process, you can use the production and conquest cycles of the five phases to enhance…

  • No. 81 – First Steps

    When people just have awakened to some kind of feeling for their “natural course” [inner spontaneity], they already reckon that they have attained Dao. But knowing the natural course is only the first step; going on and following it is what makes people spirit men. Understanding and matching yin and yang, understanding and following one’s…

  • No. 57 – Food

    Don’t spend your days thinking about what you could eat to supplement yin or what you could take to enhance yang. Just remember in all activities you give rise to yang; in all quietude you give rise to yin. Yin is the mother of yang; yang is the son of yin.