Autor: Richard Vencu

  • No. 63 – Simplicity

    What is “awakening to inner nature”? What is “wisdom”? Both mean to regard all beings from a position of greatest simplicity. However, most people and especially those who are frustrated with themselves tend to take even the simplest thing and see it as highly complex, thus creating complexity. Intricate and straightforward are really the same…

  • No. 62 – Do in Exercising

    Two things to do in exercising: Increase the speed of blood and qi circulation, so the toxins inside the body can come to the surface. Open the body’s pores wide and breathe in deeply, so you absorb the essence and qi of heaven and earth.

  • No. 61 – Avoid in Exercising

    Two things to avoid in exercising: Do not exercise when blood and qi are deficient. Do not exercise in a dirty or defiled environment.

  • No. 60 – Heaven and Earth

    When people are relaxed and breathe slow and deep, their body achieves a state of subtle energetic exchange with heaven and earth. Upon inhalation, they in fact expel the inhaled breath in the lungs and the whole body moves to push internal qi out. This is how the qi of humanity moves toward heaven and…

  • No. 59 – Environment

    The importance of the environment for people’s health cannot be overemphasized. This is why people who live in deep mountains and ancient forests with clean air and fresh qi heal so much more easily. The subtle particles and high oxygen content of the air in these places get into the deep breath when people are…

  • No. 58 – Precedence

    When your qi is deficient, don’t enhance it blindly. This may have a negative impact on the whole body. If it is because blood is deficient, then you should first enhance the blood. This is because blood is the mother of qi, and if you don’t treat it first, you run the danger of drying…

  • No. 57 – Food

    Don’t spend your days thinking about what you could eat to supplement yin or what you could take to enhance yang. Just remember in all activities you give rise to yang; in all quietude you give rise to yin. Yin is the mother of yang; yang is the son of yin.