Autor: Richard Vencu

  • No. 35 – Baths

    When one first recovers from a grave illness, it is best to avoid washing the feet and taking baths.

  • No. 34 – Personal Resistance

    Wind and cold, yin and yang, heat and dampness all can cause disease in people. If your resistance is weakened, they can take advantage of your inner vacuity and enter the body. This is why, if the body is weak, there are many diseases. Rich people have some protection through clothing, food, shelter, and so…

  • No. 33 – Mind at Peace

    When mind and spirit are not at peace, feelings and inner nature are rushed and hectic—the ultimate cause of disease and death. Thus calming the mind-and-heart is the first step in guarding life. The mind-and-heart can control all other aspects. Thus, when the mind is stable, the qi is harmonious. When the qi is harmonious,…

  • No. 32 – Nourishing Life

    The highest field of Chinese medicine is nourishing life. The highest field of nourishing life is nourishing the mind-and-heart. For this reason, when speaking about nourishing life, the lowest type of practitioner nourishes the body, the medium type nourishes the qi, while the highest type nourishes the mind-and-heart. Examining people is the same way: looking…

  • Kung Fu (Gong Fu) în Qi Gong

    Kung Fu (Gong Fu) în Qi Gong

    Kung Fu este o transcriere mai cunoscută a termenului chinezesc gong fu, care înseamnă abilitate, un rezultat obținut în urma unei practici. Este de remarcat faptul că se poate obține gong fu în orice artă, nu numai în artele marțiale așa cum suntem tentați să credem. Un maestru de pictură poate să obțină gong fu…

  • No. 31 – Two Kinds of Diseases

    People’s diseases are of two kinds: 1. The meridians are vibrant and open, but the qi is deficient. Symptoms include various pains here and there. This is so, because when the qi is deficient and cannot properly digest the food, it brings forth apparent fire (also called false fire or empty fire), and the meridians…

  • No. 30 – Unified Mind and Spirit

    When the mind is stable and the spirit unified, one can be cured. Faith strong and the mind concentrated, the two minds [of healer and patient] are in harmony and one can cure the hundred diseases. None is not ultimately the effect of spirit.